Monday, July 6, 2015

Ways to Get Back On Track

We've all had those games, parties, birthdays, holidays. You set out to "be good", but then everything smells so yummy or your friends convince you to have "just one" or you seem to forget about your be good plan. It happens! The important thing is to get back on track as soon as you can!! Easier said than done, right? I know. But, if you follow these simple tips, it will be a lot easier than it seems!!
Start Now! 
What's stopping you? Don't eat leftover pizza for breakfast. Choose a fun new Shakeology recipe to try, scramble up some eggs with spinach & feta, add a little peanut butter to your oatmeal. Make this first meal after a rough weekend fun and exciting!! You will WANT to eat it. Don't wait until all the leftovers are gone or something healthy sounds good to you, just do it. Now!
For more recipes, email me at

Share your meals!
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat....whatever floats your boat! Share your meals with the internet. Not only does this create accountability for yourself, but you might be inspiring someone else to snap back to reality, too! Tag your BFF, tag your accountability partner, tag your Health Coach!! Use to tag me! I want to see what you are eating, HOW you are getting back on that wagon. 

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
If you had a weekend of beer and junk food, your body NEEDS water! It is craving it. Do you have a headache? Are you irritable? Are you craving salt? Are you tired? Having digestive issues? Drink water!! This will help you shed some of the excess water weight you gained this weekend AND get your body back to normal working order. I find water really boring and I have a hard time drinking the right amount. It helps me to put mint & lemon in my water. For more ways to make your water fun, check out this article on fitbie.

Try a New Workout!
Same as with your meals, make your workout a little more fun today. Use Beachbody on Demand to try something new. The newest workout by Beachbody is Cize, which will get your booty moving in a fun way! If yoga is more your thing, give Piyo a shot. Want to really get your sweat on? Try Insanity!! If you think a group of people will get your more excited about working out, invite friends over to try one of these workouts with you or hit up your local gym for a class! Whatever you do, make it new, fun, exciting....something you look forward to doing! Again, SHARE this on social media & tag those same people you did for your meals!! 
To get a FREE trial of Beachbody on Demand, click here and choose Beachbody on Demand. 

Vegetables Are Your Friends!
After your healthy breakfast, make yourself a huge green salad. Use tons of vegetables!! My favorite is a big bowl of romaine lettuce, arugula for its peppery flavor, maybe a little baby spinach, orange or yellow bell pepper diced up, sliced cucumbers, halved cherry tomatoes, raw asparagus in pieces, chopped purple cabbage, cilantro or basil torn into pieces, 1/4 avocado & one of these dressings:
Sometimes, if I really need to get excited about my salad ;) , I will add a little fruit...strawberries, blueberries, pomegranate seeds, pear, apple, etc. 
Do this everyday for the rest of the week! One meal a day, eat a ginourmous, meat free green salad. You body, your skin and your brain will thank you!!

Say Kind Things to Yourself!
Don't focus on how "bad" you were on the weekend. You have one life and you are entitled to enjoy yourself. Maybe you enjoyed yourself too much, but this does not make you "bad". It makes you human. What's done is done, you can't change it. Instead, focus on the new & exciting things you will try this week. Focus on how you will feel when you get back into the swing of things. Focus on the healthy habits you will follow NEXT weekend! Find & post a motivational quote each day. Find quotes on self love, not giving up, a new you, focus, healthy habits. There are tons out there and I can't wait to see what you find!!

Why Did You Get Off Track?
To stay on track this time you need to know WHY you got off track. Did you not prepare well enough? Make a plan to prepare yourself for next weekend. Did you give into peer pressure? You probably know what activities you have planned for next weekend and who they are with. You can either talk to your friends/family now, let them know how you feel after last weekend and tell them you need their support at the event next weekend - OR - if you don't feel comfortable doing that (I don't), PLAN what treat you will have at those activities. If you are going to a ballgame, plan to eat before you go but have one beer. If you are going to a wedding, choose to only eat the chicken & veggies, pass on the champagne but have a small piece of cake. You get the idea! Or was your problem that you just plain pushed the thought of eating healthy to the back of your mind, locked the door & threw away the key? You must want to live a healthy lifestyle or you wouldn't be reading this. Sometimes the smell of food, the fun of drinking or the way they both make you feel takes over. To help prevent this, keep a reminder of your healthy lifestyle close. Wear a motivational bracelet, put a kettlebell charm in your Origami Owl necklace (Only available until July 12!! Click on the link to get yours now!), put a healthy quote or before picture as the background on your phone. You need something that you will see before your reach for those chips and salsa!

Set a New Small Goal!
Nothing motivates you more than a new goal. Forget your long term goals for a little bit. Focus on today, this week, this month. It can be a weight loss goal, but it doesn't have to be! Will eating a big salad everyday be tough for you? Make it a goal to get that in every day. Make it your goal to workout for 30 minutes everyday this week. Make it your goal to have your Shakeo every morning for a month. Make it your goal to just get through today!! Whatever your goal is, SHARE it!! Tell the world. Remember, you may be motivating someone else that has been feeling down about their lifetyle, too.

Do Something Fun!
Lastly, forget about the healthy eating and the working out for a few minutes. A healthy lifestyle also includes mental health. To nourish you mental health, do something fun, do something exciting, do something NEW! We all have bucket lists, whether on paper or just in our head. What are you waiting for? We all have one shot at this life and you should be making the most of it! Always stressing about what you are eating and how much you've exercised won't make you happy. If you've been stuck in a fun rut for awhile, here are a few ideas to start with!!
  • Try that new haircut, outfit or makeup style you didn't think you could pull off (you can!!)
  • Audition for a local play
  • Go explore a new town (date idea)
  • Learn a new language
  • Plant a vegetable garden...start with lettuce and work your way up to a salad garden.
  • Re-read your favorite old book
  • Visit your farmer's market and try a new fruit or vegetable
  • Make a gift for a friend "just because" 

The way to get back on track is to make it fun and exciting! Why would you want to do something that is boring and monotonous?? You wouldn't!! Follow these tips & SHARE with your meals, workouts, goals and anventures with the world and you WILL succeed

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